Our Values

Thirlby Company Values


Community is at the center of everything we do. Through our work, we learn and grow together while spreading joy to others. We care for our neighbors and give back by donating our time and financial resources to nonprofit organizations, and supporting small and local businesses.


We genuinely care about our clients, our neighbors, and those we work with. We do not believe in transactional business relationships. We put community over competition and care about the long-term success of our clients, regardless of the engagement.


As a business, we are committed to continuous improvement and changing our processes and practices for the better. As individuals, we remain invested in our personal and professional development. We strive for excellence instead of perfection, and view growth as a gradual process that requires patience, hard work, and self-compassion.


Dr. Brené Brown (PhD, MSW) defines daring greatly as embracing vulnerability and imperfection, living wholeheartedly, and courageously engaging in our lives (Source). At The Thirlby Company, we strive to dare greatly together in order to grow and build authentic and meaningful relationships with each other and our clients.


We strive to have fun every day at work. Laughter is what keeps us going, and we infuse humor into all our engagements. We take our work seriously, but we do not take ourselves seriously. We encourage our clients to do the same.